Can I change my mindset?

Your current mindset is linked to your background, experience, the people around you, and many more. All your experiences and everything you have experienced so far cannot be changed; it is fixed. However, the future is flexible and can be fundamentally changed. With that, your mindset can also be changed. Your future experience, the way you will live your future life, the surrounding people – this is dependent on you. The only Master of your life is YOU. Yes, you can change your mindset, but you are the one responsible for changing it. You have to accept this because, in the end, no one can think for you. If you let other people think for you, you give up on the freedom of your own mindset.

The first step is to accept that your mindset can be changed, and the second step is to define the one who can help you to change it; YOU. Start to take responsibility for your life and the direction it goes, because no one else will. One of the differences between a successful mindset and an unsuccessful mindset is that most people stop learning, and some never stop learning new things. Especially in today’s world, it is fatal to stop learning as the world is developing faster. People with a successful mindset aren’t just looking for challenges, they thrive through them.

Surround yourself with people who you think have a successful mindset, who show you your mistakes and help you to avoid them through constructive criticism. Hang out with people who challenge you to become a better person and encourage you to learn new things. People are egoistic, you may have friends and family around you who don’t want to harm you, but with their fixed mindset, they harm you passively. With their mindset of staying in the safe zone, never learning new things, and never challenging yourself, they drag you into their zone of unsuccessfulness. There is a saying going like this “Show Me Your Friends, I’ll Tell You Who You Are”, ask yourself, do the people who are very close to you also the ones with a successful mindset? If not, you should look out for new people to surround yourself with.

Successful and unsuccessful mindset

The successful mindset is looking for a challenge to thrive on it. While the unsuccessful mindset stays in the safe area with no challenges. They avoid it at all costs because when a challenge seems too hard or impossible, the fear of losing it makes them feel untalented and not smart anymore. Feel like a novice every day, and you can learn every day, feel like the smartest person in the world and every challenge will feel like you have to prove it, or you lose this title; And one day it will be more important to feel smart than learning a new thing, that’s the day when you become unsuccessful.

It is tempting to stay in the safe zone, but do you never want to grow?

Is there something you always wanted to do but never did because you were too afraid of failure? Then I have to citate here Shia LaBeouf “Just do it – don’t let your dreams be dreams – yesterday you said tomorrow – just do it!”. To you, it should be completely irrelevant what other people might think, this is a big part of a successful mindset. Stop asking other people about their opinion on your life or goals. It shouldn’t change anything about what you want to become or achieve. You can ask people how to achieve something, but not if it makes sense to them or if they like your goals or not. Your confidence is like a Jenga Tower. Other people’s opinions are like hands to take out bricks from your tower of confidence to achieve that goal because every time you accept their negative opinions you stray away from the path. How to develop and enhance a successful mindset? Let’s start the analysis of two very successful Leaders and Businessmen.

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